Collection: Goat Milk Soap

No parabens! Non toxic! 

Goat milk soap is becoming increasingly popular due to its potential benefits for the skin. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to consider switching to goat milk soap:
* Moisturizing: Goat milk contains fatty acids, triglycerides, and cream that can help hydrate and nourish the skin. This can be especially beneficial for people with dry skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.
* Gentle: Goat milk has a pH level that is similar to human skin, making it less likely to irritate the skin than some other soaps. This can be beneficial for people with sensitive skin.
* Exfoliating: Goat milk contains lactic acid, a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that can help to gently exfoliate the skin. This can help to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, resulting in smoother, brighter skin.
* Antibacterial: Goat milk soap may also have some antibacterial properties, which can help to reduce acne breakouts.
If you're looking for a natural soap that is gentle and moisturizing, goat milk soap may be a good option for you. However, it's always important to test any new soap on a small area of your skin before using it all over.